

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lemonade for Sale

1. I chose the children's book "Lemonade for Sale" by Stuart J. Murphy. This story is about when members of the Elm Street Kid's Club decided to sell lemonade to raise money to fix up their club house. Dressed in special 'lemonade hats' and their club mascot Petey the Parot squeaking "lemonade for sale", business begins to boom. One of the members of the group, Sheri, keeps track of their sales on a bar graph, plotting the number of cups sold against the days of the week. 
2. "Lemonade for Sale" shows the effectiveness in graphing information in the business world. each day they would sell a different amount of lemonade and by graphing their sales, the kids could see whether or not their business was going well.
3. Children's books are being used more frequently to teach mathematics. With literature, children are able to experience the wonder of mathematics in the same way they appreciate the wonders of a great story. This is why literature is a great way for kids to learn math concepts; they are able to put more meaning to the concepts and practices of math rather than just learning the numbers. 


  1. I like the outlook of the book that you chose and how it applies to the graphing concept in the real world!

  2. I think it is a great approach towards the topic of specially for business where math and all these skills are necessary.

  3. yasmin,

    nice job of explaining the plot of this story. i like your comment about "making meaning" using literature. this is so very true.

    the part where you explained the math in the story could have been a tad more detailed, but otherwise good job.

    professor little
