

Monday, April 7, 2014

Be The Professor: Rate of Change

*For my assignment I will be acting out a lesson plan as if I were teaching a class!

Hello Class! My name is Professor Paviglionite and today we will be learning how to find the rate of change. The rate of change is essentially the steepness of an increasing or decreasing straight line. After today, my goal is for you guys to feel comfortable with finding the rate of change, because there is a lot that we can do with it. Learning rate of change is the beginning step to help determine the equation of a line, and can help to graph a linear function. Rate of change can also be applied to many real life situations, as you will see with my introductory example!! Enjoy!

In order to explain rate of change, I will begin with a fun activity to find rate of change in a simple real life situation. Everyone on their table should have a beaker, half filled with water, 10 plastic cubes of the same size, graph paper, a ruler, and a pencil. I am passing this activity down, as I myself did it in math class in high school when first learning this math concept.
This activity is based off of Aesop’s Fable, the story of a raven. During a terrible, terrible drought, the raven was thirsty and had to find a means of survival. Near his nest was a well; but the water level was not high enough for the raven to reach with his beak. In this activity the half-filled water beaker will represent the well. After days of thirst, the raven had an idea…to drop pebbles into the well in order to raise the water level so that he could reach it with his beak. The cubes on your table will represent the pebbles.
What I would like everyone to do is to experiment and record your results in a table. I want you to record the water level of the beaker against the number of cubes that are dropped in. I then would like you to graph your results and see what you come up with; see if you notice a pattern in your graph.
(Students complete graph)
Now, what does everyone notice? What you should have come up with is something that resembles this:

You should notice a linear relationship. As the number of cubes dropped in increased, the water level rose. In this example our y-axis, or output, was the water level, because it was dependent on the number of cubes. The x-axis, or input variable, was number of cubes.

                To determine rate of change, which is the goal of our class today, we will do the following:

Rate of change=rise/ run
Rate of change=y2-y1/x2-x1

                Put more simply, we find the change in the y-value and divide it by the change in the x-value. In the big picture this gives us the rate at which the linear function is increasing or decreasing. So, for our raven example, I would like everyone to give this a try. Find the rate of change, but try it with different sets of numbers, they should all come to the same rate of change since this function is linear.

(Students do their calculations)

Now, I would like everyone to come to the board and share your results, I want to see your work!!!

As shown:

Water Level (y)
Cubes (x)


So as you can see from our rate of change calculations, the rate of change should equal a .5 water level increase for every one cube put into the water.
         I hope that this simple real life example gave you guys a better picture of how rate of change is determined and can be used. The rate of change can also be called the slope. In the next class we will learn how the slope and rate of change can be used within a linear equation! Now to end class, given the following problems I would like you to find the rate of change! 

Practice Problems:

1.   Find the rate of change of the line passing through the points (4,3) and (-5,-2).

Solution: (3-(-2))/(4-(-5))=5/9

2.   Kevin's savings account balance changed from $1140 in January to $1450 in April. Find the average rate of change per month.

Solution: (1450-1140/4-1)=310/3=$103.33

Works Cited
"Mathiness Is Happiness." : Rate of Change. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.
04 Apr. 2014.
"Rate of Change Practice Problems." N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.


  1. Your examples were great and easy to understand! I'm familiar with Aesop's fable so I really like how you utilized it. Plus the way you acted this out like a lecture was awesome! I think I'm going to use this to study for the final, thank you!

  2. Professor Nicole!
    I loved your lecture! especially how you started off with an example at the beginning to make us all determine how we find the rate of change. I also liked how you had practice problems at the end of your lecture in order for us to practice! this was indeed really helpful
    Thank you:)

  3. nicole,

    really nice lesson. i can tell you worked hard on it! i haven't used the beaker example for slope in a long time. thanks for reminding me of that activity for future use! one thing to note is to say what the units are for the water level.

    good job.

    professor little
