

Friday, April 11, 2014

Let's study Linear function !!

Prof. Fumi:
Hi everyone. I would like to introduce to you guys about Linear function today. Does  anyone know about Linear function is?

Linear function is a  function that it has the same rates of slope.

Prof. Fumi:
perfect! The characteristics of linear function have the same rates of change as well as the line is a straight line. The formula of a linear function is following y=ax+b. a is the slope and b is y-intercept. Slope can calculate in following: m=y1-y0/x1-x0. Y-interest is the number which cross the y-axis.

Let's do some exercise!  Here is the question,
Let's write a formula of this function.
First, is it linear function or not?

It is a linear function, because the slope is a straight line.

Prof. Fumi
Yes, but can you explain more specifically how to define it is linear?

 We can define whether the rate of slope is constant or not.  So pick up two points in this case (0,4) and (2, 0).  So, the line will be (0-4)/(2-0)=-4/2=-2 so the slope is -2. let's take other two points, (1, 2) and (3, -2) the slope will be (-2-2)/(3-1)=- -4/2= -2. These four points have same rate of slope therefore, it is linear function

Prof. Fumi
Good job!!!  Then, the slope is -2, so the formula will be y=-2x+b. Form the graph above, it can be easily recognazie the y-intercept is 4, but lets asume you only provide two points (0,4) and (2, 0). What will do?

Students: we can put   (0,4) into the equation. So it will be 4 =-2*0+b. b=4. y-intercept is 4 in this case.

Prof. Fumi
Yes, you got it!! So the equation will be y= -2x+4
This is the basic concepts of Linear function.

That's all for today!!


  1. Fumika this was really funny! I like how you set it up as a dialogue between you and the class!

  2. fumika,

    i really like how you used a scripted format to introduce your concept to your group members. very creative.

    professor little
