

Thursday, January 9, 2014

1. Victoria Tinker
2. None
3. 61 inches
4. 18 years old
5. 8am
6. Hershey kisses
7. Chocolate Rice Cakes
8. Ellie Goulding
9. I'm a swimmer
10. Calculus 1 (High School)
11. I have test anxiety when it comes to math.

Equations V

Factoring V

Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions V

Simplifying expressions V

Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions V

Operations involving whole number exponent expressions V

Finding common denominators V

Inequalities V

Functions V

Absolute value V

Linear functions V

Systems of equations V

Domain and range C

Inverse functions C

Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc) V

Quadratic functions V

Completing the square C

Exponential functions C

Logarithmic functions U

Base e C

Graphing V

Trigonometric concepts U

13. I'm comfortable with all of the subjects listed however I took a semester without any math so I need refreshing.

14. Texting, twitter and instagram

15. International Studies Major

16. To fulfill my university requirement

17. This will be my only math class

18. More about inverse functions

19. I'm a swimmer for American University. 


  1. thank you for your responses, victoria! i am glad that you are comfortable with algebra! it will help you a lot this semester! =0]

    professor little

  2. I like how you enjoy chocolate as much as I do!

  3. I agree with Victoria, I struggle a lot with tests and sometimes get very nervous for my math tests!
