

Monday, January 13, 2014

Getting to know you

1.     Julianna Lee Cavano
2.     Julianna / Jul
3.     Height – 67 inches
4.     Age - 18
5.     5:45 am
6.     MnMs
7.     Chips and Salsa!
8.     Anything! I love Dave Matthews Band though
9.     I love to go to the beach and read
10.    Algebra 1 &2,  AP statistics, Geometry and Precalc

11.  W I’m not comfortable with sin/cosine – trig math and sometimes simple concepts like absolute value I can get confused on. 

Equations - V
Factoring -C
Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions - V
Simplifying expressions - V
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions - U
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions - C
Finding common denominators  - C
Inequalities - C
Functions - C
Absolute value - E
Linear functions - C
Systems of equations - C
Domain and range - E
Inverse functions – U
Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc) - C
Quadratic functions – C
Completing the square –C
Exponential functions - C
Logarithmic functions - C
Base e – U
Graphing – U
Trigonometric concepts – E

12.  really like functions, but can sometimes struggle with math in general. 
33. Texting, facebook, pinterest, flickr, twitter         
14.  Texting          facebook
15.  International Relations
16.  University requirements and also really enjoyed precalc and math in high school, so I thought it would be good to take this class again.
17.  this is the only one I have to take

18.  What do you hope to learn in this class? – I want to become more comfortable with the concepts that I touched base on previously in high school and also learn more about these topics.


  1. I'm also an early riser back at home but I wake up around 7-8 here!

  2. hi, juliana. thank you for your responses. my whole body kind of started twitching when i saw that you wake up at 545am. sheesh! don't fret too much about trig concepts. we only touch on them a little bit since this is an applied class. see you tomorrow!

    professor little
