

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ariana Bushweller Questionnaire

1. Ariana Bushweller 
2. No nickname :)
3. 63 in 
4. 20 years old 
5. I usually wake up between 7-8am
6. Dark chocolate 
7. Cashews 
8. I don't have a favorite 
9. I love to play soccer, read, and travel 
10. I have taken up to Algebra 2, however that was four years ago... 
11. I struggle most often in subjects involving geometry. I am also nervous that my lack of practice with math over the past four years is going to hurt my abilities in this class.
Equations (C)
Factoring (C)
Adding/ subtracting/ multiplying/ dividing fractions/ rational expressions (C)
Simplifying expressions (U)
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions (U)
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions (U)
Finding common denominators (C)
Inequalities (C)
Functions (U)
Absolute value (U)
Linear functions (U)
Systems of equations (U)
Domain and range (U)
Inverse functions (U)
Transformations (E)
Quadratic functions (U)
Completing the square (E)
Exponential functions (U)
Logarithmic functions (E)
Base e (U)
Graphing (C)
Trigonometric concepts (E)
12. I understand algebraic equations well. 
13. Texting, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
14. Texting, and Facebook.
15. CLEG (communications, law, economics, and government)
16. To complete my math requirement.
17. I would like to take calculus before I graduate.
18. I hope to relearn the math I have forgotten, and become prepared for calculus.
19. I will ask a lot of questions if I do not understand a concept. 


  1. thank you for your responses, ariana! being comfortable with factoring and other aspects involving equations is very important. so i'm glad that you feel ok with these areas. the rest will come. just make yourself a permanent fixture in my office if you need to! =0]

    professor little

  2. Soccer is a great sport !

  3. I love to travel too!
