

Monday, January 13, 2014

Getting to Know you, David Varela


1.     What is your full name?
    David Fernando Varela Alvarado

2.     Do you have a nickname that you prefer to go by?
    No Nickname

3.     What is your height in inches?

4.     What is your age in years? 
    20 years old

5.     What time do you generally wake up on any given day?

6.     What is your favorite candy?
   Jolly Rancher

7.     What is your favorite snack food?
    Strawberry-Banana yogurt

8.     Who is your favorite musical artist/band?

9.     Do you have any hobbies/things you like to do for fun?

10.  What is your mathematical background? (Not limited to the list below…list other topics if needed)
Basic math      algebra1          algebra2          statistics           probability       trigonometry

11.  Which mathematical concepts in this class do you think you may struggle with/what are your math weaknesses/fears?
     Statistical formulas

What is your comfort level with any of the following algebraic topics?

Write one of the following next to each topic:

Very comfortable (V)    comfortable (C)                uncomfortable (U)    extremely uncomfortable (E)

V-Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions
V-Simplifying expressions
V-Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions
V-Operations involving whole number exponent expressions
V-Finding common denominators
V-Absolute value
V-Linear functions
C-Systems of equations
V-Domain and range
C-Inverse functions
C-Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc)
C-Quadratic functions
C-Completing the square
C-Exponential functions
C-Logarithmic functions
C-Base e
U-Trigonometric concepts

12.  Which mathematical concepts covered in this class do you think you will excel in/what are your strengths/where are you confident?
      I am generally confident with all my mathematical work when I know how it works.

13.  Which social media formats are you familiar with?
Texting            facebook          flickr     wordpress     twitter   google plus

14.  Which social media formats do you use most frequently?

Texting            facebook         twitter   

15.  What is your major?
    Business Administration with Spec in Finance

16.  Why are you taking this math class?

17.  Will you take other math classes in the future at American University or will this be your only math class? If yes, which classes will you take?
    It will be the only math I take at American University

18.  What do you hope to learn in this class?
    A wide range of topics that will enhance my skills.

19.  Is there anything else you would like me to know about you?
    I am from Tegucigalpa, Honduras! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey David!
    I love playing soccer too! its my favorite sport. I also like Jolly Ranchers!
