

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Getting to know you

1. My name is Fumika Tei
2. People call me Fumi
3. 60 in
4. 20
5. 9 am
6. Kisses
7. Anything
8. Maroon 5
9. Playing tennis
10.  algebra1
I am not good at Math, so I'm concerned about most of the area.

Equations c
Factoring  c
Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions u
Simplifying expression u
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions u
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions u
Finding common denominators u
Inequalities u
Functions c
Absolute value u
Linear functions u
Systems of Equations u
Domain and range u
Inverse functions u
Transformations (Shifting, scaling, stretching, etc.) u
Quadratic functions u
Completing the square u
Exponential functions u
Logarithmic functions u
Base e u
Graphing c
Trigonometric concepts u

   Which mathematical concepts covered in this class do you think you will excel in/what are your strengths/where are you confident?
       As I said, I am not good at Math, but I'm confidence with functions. 

2.    13.  Which social media formats are you familiar with?
Texting            facebook          pinterest           flickr     wordpress         blogspot           tumblr  twitter   google plus
A. Facebook

3.    14. Which social media formats do you use most frequently?
 .Texting            facebook          pinterest           flickr     wordpress         blogspot           tumblr  twitter   google plus
A. Facebook

4.     15.What is your major? 
5.     16.Why are you taking this math class? A. Requirement

6.     17.Will you take other math classes in the future at American University or will this be your only math class? If yes, which classes will you take?
        Yes,  Aplied Caculus 

7.     18.What do you hope to learn in this class?
         basic knowledge of Math.

8.     19.Is there anything else you would like me to know about you?


  1. I love kisses too!

  2. hi, fumika. thanks for your responses. i am glad you are confident with functions. we will bring you up to speed with everything else, so please don't be anxious. looking forward to meeting you.

    professor little
