

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Getting To Know You

  1. Sophie Brun
  2. Soph or Sophie is fine
  3. 63 inches
  4. 19
  5. 9:30 am
  6. I love snickers
  7. Chips and a sandwich
  8. I really like One Republic, Drake, Ke$ha, Katy Perry
  9. I like to play sports such as field hockey and lacrosse, go shopping, and eat a lot of food
  10. Mathematical background: Basic math, algebra1, algebra2, statistics, probability, trigonometry
  11. Mathematical strengths and weaknesses:
    1. Equations V
    2. Factoring C
    3. Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions V
    4. Simplifying expressions V
    5. Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions V
    6. Operations involving whole number exponent expressions  C
    7. Finding common denominators  V
    8. Inequalities C
    9. Functions C
    10. Absolute value C
    11. Linear functions C
    12. Systems of equations C
    13. Domain and range U
    14. Inverse functions C
    15. Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc) U
    16. Quadratic functions C
    17. Completing the square U
    18. Exponential functions C
    19. Logarithmic functions U
    20. Base e U
    21. Graphing  V
    22. Trigonometric concepts U
  12. I feel like I will really excel in the concepts that were covered in finite math also such as simplifying expresisons, equations, and factoring.  Some of the concepts covered sch as linear functions, functions, roots and rational expressions are concepts that I am most comfortable with because they are basically practiced in math all the time along with adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing fraction, and rational expressions.
  13. Social media formats I am familiar with: facebook, twitter, flickr,
  14. Social media used most frequently: facebook, twitter
  15. Major: Undecided in Kogod School of Business
  16. Why am I taking this class: For my major
  17. After this, I plan on taking applied calculus
  18. I hope to learn concepts that I haven’t learned yet in the previous math classes that I have taken at AU


  1. Questions:

    1. Victoria Lacayo
    2. Vicky
    3. 224 13⁄32in
    5. I am 20 years old
    6. I wake up around 7 or 8
    7. Joly Rancher
    8. My favorite snacks are different kinds of peanuts
    9. My favorite artist is Alejandro Fernandez a Spanish singer
    10. I enjoy trying international food
    11. My mathematical background is basic math, algebra1, algebra2, calculus, probability and trigonometry.

    12. Which mathematical concepts in this class do you think you may struggle with/what are your math weaknesses/fears?
    What is your comfort level with any of the following algebraic topics?

    Write one of the following next to each topic:

    Very comfortable (V) comfortable (C) uncomfortable (U) extremely uncomfortable (E)

    Equations : U
    Factoring: E
    Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions: C
    Simplifying expressions: U
    Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions: C
    Operations involving whole number exponent expressions: C
    Finding common denominators: U
    Inequalities: C
    Functions: C
    Absolute value: V
    Linear functions: V
    Systems of equations: C
    Domain and range: V
    Inverse functions: C
    Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc): C
    Quadratic functions: C
    Completing the square: V
    Exponential functions: V
    Logarithmic functions: V
    Base e: V
    Graphing: C
    Trigonometric concepts: V

    13. Not much I will take the tutorial of excel you recommended

    14. Which social media formats are you familiar with?
    Texting facebook, pinterest, flickr, tumblr , twitter
    15. Which social media formats do you use most frequently?
    Texting, facebook, pinterest,
    16. Business Administration with a Double major in International Relations
    17. Requirement
    18. I will take another math class, which I am not certain at the moment.
    19. I hope to strengthen my knowledge
    20. I like challenges

  2. Sophie we enjoy the same candy!!!! And love to eat a lot hehe it looks like I also share some of the same strengths and weaknesses as you. I look forward to meeting you and learning with you in class!

  3. hi, vicky. thanks for responding! we will definitely have to get you up to speed with factoring, so i hope that you take advantage of the algebra support program that i offer this semester. you are in the right city for enjoying lots of great international food! if you get a chance before you leave the district, try an ethiopian restaurant called duken in the u street corridor. looking forward to meeting you.

    professor little

  4. vicky, i think you posted your responses in sophie's comments. whoops!

  5. sophie, thank you for your responses. i'm glad you are comfortable with algebra concepts, it will definitely help you this semester. who did you take finite math with? and, yes, snickers are yum!

    professor little

  6. Definitely share some of the same strengths/weaknesses as you. Also a big fan of Kesha.
