

Saturday, January 11, 2014

1. Jonathan William Davis
2. J.D.
3. 79 in
4. 21
5. 9 Am
6. Nerds Rope
7. Ritz Crakers
8. Drake
9. Play basketball
10. Basic math, algebra1, algebra2, and stats.
11. Fractions.
  • Equations C
  • Factoring  U
  • Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions C
  • Simplifying expressions C
  • Operatons involiving whole number exponent expressions C
  • Finding common denominators U
  • Inequalities C
  • Functions U 
  • Linear functions C
  • Systems of equations U
  • Domain and range U
  • Inverse functions C
  • Transformations (shifting, scaling, stretching, etc) U
  • Quadratic functions C
  • Completing the square C
  • Exponential functions C
  • Logarithmic functions C
  • Base e U
  • GraphingC
  • Trigonometric concepts U
12. Simplifying Equations  

13. Texting, Facebook, tumblr, twitter. 

14. Texting, tumblr, twitter.

15. Business administration 

16. To take Calculus 

17. Calculus

18. More about math and extend my knowledge! 



  1. thanks, jonathan, for your responses! i love nerds but i've never heard of nerds ropes; i may have to investigate further. =)

    you said that your next class will be calculus...i'm hoping it's applied calculus, since this class doesn't prepare for math 221 (regular calculus). see you in a few days!

    professor little

  2. I'm majoring in business administration too. What classes have you taken so far business-wise?
